Local Search is the buzz right now. Yahoo and Bing merging will give many more bang for the buck.
That merger will give google a little bump …maybe …. I really want to focus on the little guy, the local guy,
the mom and pop, the corner store, your auto shop, your dentist, your favorite lunch spot, you get the point
right. It’s the little guy …the small business that has to adapt and learn how to do their local marketing on a small
budget. The big boys ,the larger corporations have much more to work with financially.
If you have read any of my posts you know that I had been the the food industry for many years
and owned my own Catering business for many years. My understanding of local marketing going back a few years was
to basically get out with flyers, newspaper ads, coupon mailers and the dreaded Yellow page ad.
I used to hate dishing out the monthly fee for the yellow page ad I had. At that time going back 4-5 years
I was paying around $300 per month for a realitively small ad about 1/12 page. The funny thing was, as much as I hated
paying for the ad guess what, it worked and the fact of the matter is if you didn’t advertise in the dreaded Yellow Books
you would lose business.
The reason you would lose business is because all your competion was there in the book. If you’re not and they are and someone goes to look for a caterer or what ever…… they get the call and you don’t it’s that simple.
Now today the same thing is happening with search engines. When you go to google and type in what ever your looking for , Google starts giving you the local businesses that match you search criteria. The problem today is most small local businesses don’t have a clue on how to tap in and get their share of the local search results.
If the owner of a small business doesn’t take advantage of local search and all the techniques available the bottom line is that business is missing out on the best and most ready to buy audience. If you own a small business and are spending money monthly on the yellow pages and mailers and ARE NOT utilizing the power of local search ….. Forgive me but you are spending much more than you need to, to get less results… period. I can help you get your local search marketing done right and bring more customers in your door.
Sign up for the free report “Google Places for Local Businesses” on the top of the page and you’ll get a link to download the report.
Also head over to my Free Reports page to pick up a short Local marketing report. Hopefully this information was helpful to you and if you need and help with any of it let me know.